Due to confidentiality of data, not all the lectures can be shared via this blog. For TUD students: you have acess to additional lectures via TUDelft Blackboard and Infobase.
Architectural Design - Lecture by Sevil Sariyidiz, Professor at TUDelft
The Kuip: Feijenoord Stadium in Rotterdam - Lecture by Bas Burgers, The Kuip Manager
The Urban Vision: StadionPark in Rotterdam - Lecture by Bart Wubben, Landscape Architect at dS+V, Municipality of Rotterdam
The New Stadium - Lecture by Frank Werner, Associate Architect at KCAP, Rotterdam
Structural Mechanics - Lecture by Andrew Borgart, TUDelft
Envelope Design - Lecture by Tillmann Klein, TUDelft
Architectural Energy and Sustainability - Lecture by Arjan van Timmeren, TUDelft
GranStand Design - Lecture by Robert Fransen, former student at XXL Workshop
Rapid Prototyping - Lecture by Paul de Ruiter, TUDelft
Parametric NURBS - Lecture by Pirouz Nourian, TUDelft
Design Informatics for Performance-driven Design - Lecture by Michela Turrin, TUDelft
Stadium Roof Design: From and Structure - Lecture by Joop Paul, Professor at TUDelft and Director at ARUP Amsterdam
Discipline Interaction in Stadium Design - Lecture by Marcel de Boer, ARUP Associate